Friday, May 6, 2011

McDonald's Public Relations Department

"I'm lovin it! " It's McDonald's public relations is doing a magnificent job of keeping the company's image alive. Even though cities are pushing a banned on the meal options "New York City is now considering a "Happy Meal" ban, which could make it the second city where it is illegal to put toys in a kid’s meal that is less than healthy," (Bertacchi)  the companies relations department constant portrayal of the Ronald McDonald house- McDonald's charity organization that provides housing for those who have sick children- as a highly respected organization that provides services for those families who struggle due to the need of medical attention for their children. With it's celebration of May 11, McHappy Days coming to a near investing in McDonlad's seems to be a good idea. "With McDonald's Restaurants  join[ing] more than 1,400 restaurants across the country to celebrate the 18th McHappy Day May 11th" and with " $ 1 of every Big Mac sandwich, Happy Meal and coffee(tea) tea sold will go to the Ronald McDonald House,"(Wetaskiwin) McDonald's is doing a genius idea by combining food people wouldn't usually buy - due to calories- having an incentive to stop by McDonald's  and order a meal ( to support a great cause and help those in need while feeding the family for cheap). With such a great public relations team, McDonald's could not go wrong (unless of course they have budget cuts and need to fire people).  If only making a decision on public relations, I believe that buying McDonald's stock could not hurt both our portfolio and a chance for investment growth is possible. 

Bertacchi, Denise. "Are Happy Meals Dangerous? - Affton-Shrewsbury, MO Patch."Affton-Shrewsbury, MO Patch - News, Sports, Events, Businesses & Deals. 20 Apr. 2011.
Wetaskiwin. "McHappy Day Set for next Week in Wetaskiwin." Wetaskiwin Times Advertiser - Alberta, CA. 04 May 2011. 

Sophia Beytelman

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